About Ink & Data

The two words “information” and “communication” are often used interchangeably, but they signify quite different things.  Information is giving out; communication is getting through.

Sydney J Harris

Mike Bock, Population Health Executive

I have a passion for how things work.  I have also spent the entirety of my career watching transformative changes in how healthcare data is used and healthcare communications are produced.  Along the way, I have been fortunate to work with great coworkers and clients and attend outstanding schools with a wide variety of motivated and interesting people.

I’ve seen how patient interactions have been transformed by the growth in population health platforms and electronic delivery of communications through all sorts of channels.   Healthcare data in all forms has been the life blood of all of it.

That is why this blog is called Ink and Data.  Despite all these wonderful advances in technology we still live with one foot in ink and the other in data and struggle to deliver meaningful, effective healthcare interventions at the right time, in the right format, to the right people, in ways that overcome barriers in language, education and culture.

Real change in the Healthcare Industry will come through transformation in how we communicate with patients, not how we hand out information.